FAQs about Haiti Medicine, S.A.

What is Haiti Medicine (HM)?

HM is a for-profit pharmaceutical and healthcare distribution Haitian company with its headquarters in Haiti. HM was founded in 2011 and licensed by MSPP in 2012. It began its operation in July 2013.

Why does HM exist?

HM exists to provide the Haitian people with easy access to affordable and good quality generic medicines and medical supplies.

Where is the office of HM in Haiti?

HM is located at 364 Route Nationale #1, Port-au-Prince

What is the source of HM’s products?

HM sourced its products from well-renowned GMP-WHO approved manufacturers and wholesalers from Europe, North America, and Asia. HM also sells certain products that are manufactured and distributed by companies that are locally authorized.

Who buys HM’s products?

HM sells its products to mission groups traveling to Haiti, private and public hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, laboratories, pharmaceutical depots, and non-profit organizations (NGOs) worldwide.

How to place an order with Haiti Medicine?

Orders with HM can be placed through our website, e-mails, phone calls, or walk-ins. Our contact information is as follows:


Haiti Phone: 509-3225-1521 or 509-3356-3224

USA Phone: (607) 329-0162

Or order them right through the website 

How does HM collect payments in and outside of Haiti?

HM collects payments in checks issued by a Haitian or a USA bank. We take cash in HTG and USD. You can also pay through wire transfers. Please call or e-mail us to request HM’s bank information.

Where in Haiti can HM make a delivery?

HM makes deliveries in all of Haiti. We often make deliveries to mission groups at or near the airport in PAP upon request. If you want us to make a delivery, you can let us know via e-mails, text messages, or phone calls.

What are the office hours at HM?

Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00AM to 4:00PM.

Can clients pick up their orders at HM?

Clients can pick up at HM during office hours. We make deliveries on the weekend upon prior arrangements.

Does HM make credit sale (buy and pay later)?

Yes, HM makes credit sales. Conditions for storage, deliveries, method, and timing of payments are agreed to when the sales are made. We’re opened to creating credit sales account for our regular customers.

How does one find out what products HM have in stock? Is there a list with the prices and expiration dates of the products?

You can request our pricelist via e-mail or you can call our office during working hours. Our pricelist contains the products that we currently have in stock with their expiration dates. You can also visit our website for available products.

Who do we work with?

HM currently works with international and national partners such as: Stiching Cordaid, Vitamin Angels (VA), IDA Foundation, and Jou Nouvo (JN), etc.

Are there any logistics and distribution supports such as: imports, clearance, storage, registrations, purchases, and deliveries that might be of interest to you from HM?

Yes, HM provides services for imports, clearance, storage, registrations, purchases, and delivery services for goods that are and can be legally imported, manufactured, and distributed in Haiti.

How you can help HM grow to better serve Haiti?

You can help through:

  • Investments
  • Partnerships
  • In-Kind donations
  • Becoming a regular customer
  • Volunteering
  • Referrals and recommendations